This one went off topic pretty quick, didn't it. Let's not get bogged down in semantics of who phrased what question/conclusion in what way. I am very interested to know why Kurant voted the way he/she did. I know that you stated " I voted no. Simply because, I don't use it." but what about the social ramifications of anti-marijuana laws, the over-crowding of jails, the criminalization of otherwise harmless behavior? Did you vote no because it is already legal to possess 4 ounces and you figured that was enough of a decriminalization? Or did you vote no because you didn't want the state to get involved in the distribution, taxation, or sale of a drug (besides alcohol)? I would like a little more background on why you voted the way that you did, if you please.
BTW, I was in Anchorage for a couple of days and nights (if you can call them that) last June. Really enjoyed it and the rest of my trip to Alaska. We got the chance to rent some bikes and ride the coastal trail a bit. No moose though! I couldn't get everybody else up for the ride until after 10 AM and I guess the moose aren't out as much in the middle of the day.