I'm tired of the "Bush will run rampant and oppress me for the next 4 yrs." syndrome
I'm already tired of hearing how Bush will run rampant with his conservative ideolgy and oppress everyone for the next 4 yrs. because he doesn't have to worry about re-election.
Doesn't anyone understand that:
a.) Bush may not be able to run for re-election, but he won't want to go overboard to the extent that he screws it up for whichever Republican does run.
b.) Even if he wanted to, and had total disregard for the Party's ability to hold the White House in 4 yrs., there are still the Party leaders in the House and Senate (Some of whom will be considering a run for the White House themselves) that wouldn't allow the President to succeed in an agenda if they ultimately thought it would jeopardize their own re-elections or possible ascention to higher office. (That was one hell of a sentence...geez)
We've survived 2nd term Presidents before...get over it already.
"I want to announce my presence with authority!"
"You want to what?"
"I want to announce my presence with authority!!"