Originally Posted by Bratwurst
Anyone know a good linux beginner's book that they can recommend? I want to read up on this a lot, but not have to be sitting at a machine to do so.
Linux for Dummies; I'm not kidding. I perused the first edition one day a few years back as a kick to see what they could possibly say about this operating system, and found myself quite surprised that anyone with bar knowledge of Windows could probably pick this OS up.
The fourth edition is sure to be much better and I bet it still includes a copy of Red Hat. Just make sure to get the most recent version of Red Hat. The book is generally how all Linux distributions operate, except for the Red Hat specific information, eg. RPM files.
Running Linux, 4th Edition was very good indeed. I had purchased the 1st edition and while it was sparse, I knew this book was destined for greater things and from the looks of it online, it is.
After that, get rid of Red Hat and be glad you did. Seriously, RPM-based distributions suck. If you do keep with Red Hat, compile from source and stick everything in /usr/local
After that, build your own Linux From Scratch using
Linux from Scratch, as your operating system will be exactly like YOU want and not how someone tells you it should be - to some extent anyway! :-)