I have wondered recently if the UN is not an idea that is just ahead of its time (at least in the US)... I think the most deeply rooted distrust of the UN here is because the largest political group that Americans feel allegiance to is the US. Until we start to feel ownership (in the sense of taking responsibility, not exercising control) in a larger community there will be the same uneasy relationship between US and UN that we see today. It may not be so far away - the difference between a bunch of states' rights advocates under the Articles of Confederation and a bunch of nationalists under the Constitution was less than 2 decades. However, it took a concerted effort by some of our founding fathers to sway enough of the popular thought to make the change. For myself, I think the United Nations could be a wonderful thing, but it currently exists in a crack between the desire for consensus and the desire for effective leadership. I don't see the average American being willing to submit our nation to a higher authority until we begin to see the least of the U.N. members as full partners instead of scavengers or parasites.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam