I have been toying with the idea of starting a small blog. I realized that I have free webspace through my provider, and I constantly come across links and information that I wish to share with others (mainly friends & family).
I'm looking for some help. The webpage doesn't have to be pretty or have all the bells and whistles. I really just want an easy way to display articles, links, and my commentary. The cuteness can come later.
I know no HTML, but was hoping there was software that could do all the hard work, and be fairly user-friendly (Yeah, I'm a Mac user.
). I've read through the posts here, and MoveableType seems popular, but I have no idea how to implement it or even where to start.
Of course, it would probably be a better idea to start with Blogger.com to see if I'll stick with it, but this is something I've been considering for awhile and am ready to jump into. Are there any knowledgeable bloggers out there who would like to lend a patient hand to a newb?
Thanks a caboodle.