thanks for the responses so far guys.
basically, i'm writing a 'reflection' paper for a class and have chosen to talk about Proposal 2 (gay marraige ban in michigan). i'm trying to understand the position against gay marriage, specifically the religious reasons. i know about the various stories from the torah that are used against gay marriage. while i disagree with the interpretation of those, i wasn't sure why those still were considered relevant by christians when other areas of the torah aren't. it seems like cherry picking to me.
since i'd never seen where the specific reference to 'hate the sin, love the sinner' and how some parts of the torah are still used by christians but others aren't, both of which would seem to point to being accepting of homosexuals (even if they're sinning) and (if all of the torah was considered to be fulfilled) whether or not homosexuality should even be considered a sin anymore.
i wanted to be a little more clear on things before i finished writing it so that it could be as accurate as possible. i appreciate the help!
shabbat shalom, mother fucker! - the hebrew hammer