Back on topic Nancy! I occationally go into The Full Monty, and while I do appreciate it, I too would much rather comment on the real guys of TFP in Exhibition. I only recently received access and haven't been on enough lately, but I will post in Exhibition.
The Full Monty is good but as someone else mentioned, it's stagnant, with basically the same posts and not much new everytime I check. If it had more traffic like the TB, I'd check it out and be active there.
On to the sub-topic. Johhny Depp or Jude Law are so beautiful, they're my type, I like the pretty boys. Hubby and I joke along the lines of the "List" episode of Friends. If in some alternate universe I was able to have sex with one of them, they are the only two men I'd break my marriage vows for (maybe Harrison Ford 20-30 yrs. ago

no he's not a pretty boy but, Han Solo, damn!). His list includes Jewel, (jail-bait) Avril Laviene (sp) and Jennifer Aniston (yawn, not who I'd pick, but I don't have a penis). I wonder if we're selective or boring that we both have three picks instead of the 5 or 6 Friends allowed.
As to a "My Type" thread, that's a great idea! There was something like this on another forum I used to belong to (a cooking one of all things, but in the "everything else" section) titled something like "Post your favorite male celebrity" and that sucker got to be nearly 30 pages long. Boy was that fun and filled with lot's of mostly PG eye candy. If someone else doesn't start one, I will, but I will wait for some of you who proposed the idea to run with it first!