I saw this in the penny-arcade forum and thought I should share:
The multiplayer is as amusing as ever. Even more so with random n00bs to plug on live.
Voice comms is the shiznitch, especially with two other mates and a warthog. More fun than you can shake a stick at: on offence, CTF, Zanzibar:
me: goddammit hold still so I can toast these guys
driver: I'm getting shot. Shit dammit
me: godammn they're coming, I can't hold them. run flag dude run!
flag dude: (storming out of base with flag) aaaaaahahhaaa
driver: get in the car... get in the damn car
(enemies pouring out of the base after the flag dude, shooting and throwing grenades)
flag dude: slow down dammit
me: drive! drive!
driver: get in the fucking car aaaahahaa
flag dude: aaaahahh
(rocket launcher smoke trails all over the show)
me: aaaahhahahaaa
flag dude: I'm in! go go go!
(manic driving ensues, all of us getting shot and grenaded, me hosing the general area with the autocannon, before we finally escape the vicinity)
all: woooohoooo!!
Guess you had to be there... but you just can't get that funny shit with counterstrike when you have to type everything.
But I don't want ANY Spam!