I think it's hilarious when people call others cowards, yet they're the ones who refuse to go fight themselves
You say coward, but I'll retort with a lovely middle finger to your direction and a grin on my face full of happiness because I know my life won't be WASTED for some bullshit cause. Complain alllll you want, because it really does go in one ear and out the other.
There's a trend where people have this ego in thinking, "It's your DUTY to serve your country, you should be PROUD!" Yeah yeah, guess what? I couldn't give a fuck less! That type of moronic thinking is what gets people into deep shit to begin with. I have more important things to worry about, and trust me, the terrorist boogeymen won't affect it at all
So, if you're head is swelling with this illusionary sense of pride and patriotism for your country, then by all means, suit up and walk to the front lines with a gun. The more, the merrier!
I'll be sitting here living my life the way *I* want not giving a shit about the whiners and complainers that attempt to toss insults of "coward" or "traitor". Coward? Hah, here, let's play some russian roulette. Let me hold this gun to your stupid head. Oh, don't wanna do it? Coward