No west coasters??? Im on Server #14, Pacific. I am loving this game so far..I've gotten my Orc Hunter up to 21, I love the class...people say it's gimped but now that the talents are in things are better. I can solo quite well and in dungeon instances I can do great damage as long as I don't grab aggro. I also took up engineering/mining as a profession. Oh man can you make some cool stuff. I've been making target dummies and just dropping them in towns to see peoples reactions to a waving wooden guy. If you're on Pacific 14 look me up, name is Malarchuck.
If you're just starting off DO THE QUESTS!!! I cannot stress how good these are for exp!!! If you're just out there killing monsters you're missing out on about 50% of the exp you can be getting. Most of the things you are killing are involoved in some sort of quest.
- And so he says, 'I don't like the cut of your jib.' And I go I says, IT'S THE ONLY JIB I GOT, BABY! -