If I was young and crazy and promiscuous and I had a webcam I would probably have tried that. I think that's what AIM is really, truly meant for.
So here's a question for all... I like to IM a little bit (although not for the aforementioned reasons) and I am a teacher. So this past summer a number of my ex-students got a hold of my MSN address and have been chatting with me on MSN. So far, so good right? Now, here's where it gets tricky... the kids are 14 years old. I'm pushing 26. I talk to both boys and girls, but I do keep it very clean and professional. The conversations are always very short, and I'm very cautious about what is said by both parties. I now live 15 hours and three provinces away from these students. Personally, being in the situation I know my motives are clear. However, I wonder about the parents of these kids and what they would think if they knew their children were talking online to their teacher. My personal opinion is that they don't care. More to the point that they don't know, because most parents of 14 year olds don't know what their kids are doing. I realize that's a generalized statement. But whatever. I would appreciate feedback on the matter of my online discussions with my previous students.
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys