Originally posted by billege
...I wholeheartedly reject the thought that religious organizations are better equipped to make "correct" judgments on who to reject. I abstain from thinking like they do. I refuse to think you are a worthless person because I worship differently...
I agree, you are right discrimination in any format is wrong, but well, look at the next quote..
Originally posted by billege
I do hear where you're coming from.
You're accepting that religious organizations are equipped to play god. They should decide who is worthy and who is not (blasphemers!). Somehow, religious organizations have the enlightenment necessary to make discrimination "okay."...
I wouldn't say i'm accepting that religious organizations are equipped to play god or religious organizations have the enlightenment necessary to make discrimination "okay."...
But I am saying by the nature of the organizations themselves they have to do these things in order to function. If they don't do these things they might as well not exist. This thread and your point of view shows my exact problem with all standardized religions that I'm familiar with. However, I realize that law can't change the ethos of religion. Thus law shouldn't put a limit on how one worships or displays their faith in the confines of the church or the churche's property. To do otherwise would be the same as telling people they can't worship the way that they choose and that would open another can of worms. Thus I am of the mind that faith based organazinations (and faith based organizations only) should be allowed this option to hire or not hire based on faith. I simply can't see how the law can limit a faith without damaging it at the same time.
However, billage you say if one is allowed to this, what is to stop the masses from doing this? Nothing but the law and trust that people are willing to follow that law will stop that problem. If people aren't willing to follow the law then nothing is there to stop them. This isn't a perfect world, its far from one and this is one of the problems that happen in a world that isn't perfect. But unless you are going to destroy religion as a whole, I see no other way to solve this problem that already stated. Again, I admit my view is flawed but this I find a better one, I have to stick with this one.