CSI Miami - 08/11/04
So who watched the 'special episode' of CSI Miami yesterday?
Ok, I know that a lot of what they do is a stretch, but did yesterdays episode seemed to annoy me more than anything.
Two main points stick out. Firstly, finding out where a pane of glass is from in about 30 seconds via the 'MagicDatabaseOfEverythingThatExists' and secondly, they have 2 minutes till a building about 1/2 mile away, across a river, is to explode, and he still has time to drive in, search, conveniently find, save, and escape in that time.
Hell, he was still in the car with 5 seconds till explosion and hadnt found the guy yet.
I know in a lot of these shows you have to let your pre-conceptions go, and just accept the fantasy, but its stuff like this that make my wife and eye roll our eyes.
"It is impossible to obtain a conviction for sodomy from an English jury. Half of them don't believe that it can physically be done, and the other half are doing it."
Winston Churchill