Originally Posted by Lasereth
I hate to discourage you, but it took me 3 days to download the client on a 5 megabit connection.  It DOES have a lot to do with network settings though, so I'd open the recommended ports on your router.
If you want to know which class ya wanna play I can give ya a recommendation. Just tell what kind of gamer you wanna be!
I had hoped to be playing by Tuesday, since I have the next couple days off work, but I guess not... Oh well.
I was leaning towards a mage class, since I've been a melee in another MMORPG. I didn't want to be a healer (not my play style, I can't stand it when people die and it's my fault), mage didn't seem all that appealing, shaman seemed too focused on parties, and druid was only for 2 races, neither of which I wanted to be. So I started to focus on Warlock. Warlock really goes well with my style, and just looks like a riot to play. My only problem is with the soul stone requirements, and how you can only get them off of honorable kills. I'm definitely going on a PvP server (in WoW, it's PvP server or don't bother playing), and many have said Warlocks run out quickly with no way to get more if you're fighting in a low level zone. So that's why I wanted to try it out, and a couple of other classes as well, before I sink a bunch of hours into a class that's excellent in PvE, but not so hot in PvP. Suggestions?