Originally Posted by D Rice
Yes my parents actually live about 15 mins from Amsterdam. I talked to my dad and he could hardly say it without sounding like the devil but he said maybe the Dutch can somewhat see what the Americans are dealing with and see how they feel. I think he is sick of the anti-american crap. Although they may run and hide like spain
Ironic isn't it? After three thousand people are murdered by Islamofacists in Manhattan, the Americans retalliate by destroying barbaric dictatorships in Afghanistan and Iraq. Ninety percent of Europeans agree that the Americans are the real threat to world peace, and take to the streets in protest by the hundreds of thousands. Bush lied people died, blah blah blah. Then, exactly 911 days after the twin towers fall, one infamous Dutch film-maker, Theo van Gogh, gets his head sawed off by a jihadist while biking through Amsterdam. Suddenly, calls for war against the terrorists are more common in Nederland than stoned tourists in the Melkweg. Go figure.
I hope this means an awakening for the Dutch nation. Please don't go the way of the Spanish.