They attacked US soil more times under clinton
Embayses - marine barracks, WTC take 1, etc.
Bush did what Clinton should have. I liked Clinton, but he was 'wobbly' on foreign policy- the typical Democrat - ala Carter. Firing off a few cruise missles is a democrats idea of pre-emptive strike
Afghanistan is going well - Elections took place- *MOST* of the country is doing well.
Look in Iraq- look at the Kurds- they are doing great- they have their own Army protecting their streets... What we outta do is ship some of them down to Sadarr city and Fallujah and let the Kurds worth their magic.
Course you only see the negatives on TV. More US Soldiers dying, bombs going off left and right. Hell most Arab countries are like that anyway- it aint any worse than before - And Im confident Bush will get it cleaned up- like Afghanistan
Liberal media was crying Quagmire then too- its just taking a bit longer to clear up in Iraq.