Originally Posted by sob
No, they're keeping US alive by dismantling 75% of al Quaeda. Which happens to be the job of the military.
In case you haven't noticed, there hasn't been a terrorist attack on this country since Bush got busy. Clinton sure can't say any of his tough talk and lack of action impeded the terrorists. Wait--I'm sure he'd SAY it, it just wouldn't be true.
Y'know... if 9/11 had happened in 2000 instead of 2001, maybe you'd have a point. But we were well into the era of Bush while the terrorists attacked.
And if you're going to back in time to blame previous presidents for not pre-emptively stopping terrorists, how come you don't go back further and blame Reagan or Bush Sr. who not only didn't stop terrorism, but actually provided them with weapons and training.
Oh that's right, it's always the fault of the liberal democrats. Bush is doing a good job, but it's hard work. He's caught 75% (of some sort of official total number?) of Al Queda, but Osama bin Laden is still sending tauting video tapes.
The buck stops wherever Bush points to.