The truth is that many of us are becoming afraid to a more or less degree. The root of this fear is rational-in fact, there are a very large number of these Islamofacist barbarians who have infiltrated western nations with the intent of doing us harm. In public pronouncements they have made clear their goal. They desire nothing less than the destruction of Western liberal society-- the assassin of Theo van Gogh being a clear example of their method and goal. Part of the note left on van Gogh's body said, "I know definitely that you, Oh America, will go down. I know definitely that you, Oh Europe, will go down. I know definitely that you, Oh Netherlands, will go down . . ." This Islamist killer is one of many who are working for our absolute destruction.
The real question is how to deal with this threat. Perhaps it is easier to discuss first how we must NOT respond. A pervasive, irrational fear is more dangerous to us than to those who wish us harm. The suggestion of a mass deportation to Arabia is unquestionably premature, as many American Arabs and Muslims also loath the jihadists, and will prove to be important allies in clandestine operations. The opposite response, denial, will also prove to be self-destructive. It is fashionable among some in the United States to deny that we are, in fact, at war. When discussing the enemy, I've had left-leaning friends (Michael Moorean types) say to me with a sneer, "Who are they?," as if the they that flew airplanes into the World Trade Center towers, the they that cut off the heads of innocents in Iraq, the they that murdered Spanish commuters, as if they are some kind of mythical Islamic Sasquatch!
As for Holland, welcome to the nightmare. The Islamists won't be defanged by a change in your behavior. Throwing more Gilders (gee I miss those) at Arafat or the Iranians won't help you. Continued self-loathing over your imperialistic history won't make you safe, only more despicable. Loud denounciations of Israel will only make them loathe you as a coward. Never forget: your enemy is not annoyed at your behavior. He is sickened by your being. You are the infidel, and he knows that Allah wants you dead.
The U.S. election results show that the majority of Americans understand this enemy. A majority of Americans have come to the conclusion that the only answer is to identify the enemy and kill him before he kills us.
So the question is, do the Dutch have the resolve to kill the snake before the snake kills them? Do they?
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
Last edited by Aladdin Sane; 11-08-2004 at 03:42 PM..