Originally Posted by sprocket
Yes, it sounds like this Senator has taken the Rovian Fear Mongering 101 course. The discussion on the draft issue has become WAY overblown, and basically turned into a scare tactic to drum up anti-war support. I'm not saying its bad, but take it for what it is. The draft isnt coming back unless we find ourselves in another world war. I know alot of you are ready to beleive we are on the brink of nuclear apocolypse... but we're not there yet.
I think we're on the same page but want to be sure. As I understood it, SOB cited the Rangel bill's resounding defeat as an indicator that there won't be a draft (and he/she took some glee from the fact that it was proposed by a Democrat). My point was that the Democrat in question proposed the bill, not because he supported a draft, but rather to protest the war.
Supporting a draft is poison to any politician, so you'll never find someone who supports it (publicly, anyway), so you should not look at Rangel's stunt as anything more than a stunt.
FWIW, I happen to think that the military is overstretched right now (as evidenced by the "stop loss" measures already implemented and the deep dip into the National Guard for Iraq deployments), so a draft or some major reshuffling of troop deployments (do we really need all those troops in Germany anymore?) would be necessary if there were another military conflict (whether initiated by GWB or by an opportunistic third country).