Originally Posted by d*d
not as pleasant a trip I always found, seemed a bit harsher with a chemical edge (don't really know how to describe it) but mushrooms have always been my friend
Mushrooms and LSD work in two completly different ways. 'Shrooms cause your neurons to fire inappropriatly when transmitting messages, causing changes in visuals and thought processes that really arn't too wacky (unless you get completly trashed), whereas LSD causes neurons to fire all over the shop whether they're meant to or not, leading to much more intense visuals and thought processes.
LSD also is a very unstable molecule, breaking down into several other LS molecules that produce different effects.
To the original post, maybe your thinking of psyocibilin? thats the active ingredient in shrooms, and is a very similar sounding word to penicilin. I wouldn't worry about any allergic reactions if thats the case.