I'm right there with you brutha! We had a roofer give us an estimate on our house. The guy looked around up top and came down to talk to us and explain what we needed, etc. He would talk a bit and my wife would ask a question and he would answer it to me. He never stopped looking at me. She would ask another question and again he would answer to me. He never directly spoke to her and when we were done gave the estimate to me. Never even acknowledged her existence. She was the one that called him in the first place! Guess what pal, my WIFE has the money. She doubles my salary. My WIFE is good with tools and knows all the construction jargon. Me, I can't hammer a nail. I can quote Shakespeare all day long but I don't know the first thing about construction. Handy around the home I am not! We both found it really strange that someone pitching their service could be so oblivious. Needless to say, the wife wasn't amused and we will be getting a different roofer.