I'm looking at stocks myself, and if I had $1000 dollars that I wanted to put in a short term investment, I'd put it in Yahoo. They're rated at $50 per share by the end of the year, and now their at $37. Yes, that's only a net gain of $300, but is relatively risk free.
If I was looking at a time table of over a year, I would probably go in on Merck. Yes, their facing up to $10 billion in liability for Vioxx, but A) they have more than that in liquid assets, and B) I think the media is making their liability seem like it's going to be worse than it actually will be. Although this will be a long-term investment, I think it will have a great yield. /me
"Principle is okay up to a certain point, but principle doesn't do any good if you lose." Dick Cheney