I've been following this thread and I really feel for you. You've gotten a lot of good advice but of course you're in the middle of it and your world is spinning around like mad so its hard for you to move forward. Perfectly understandable. Its clear you love this woman and at one time things were pretty great. Unfortunatly that time appears to be over. I have to agree with what others have said, its time to move on. In fact perhaps the shock of you taking the initiative, getting a lawyer and starting the process will knock a little reality into your wife. Right now divorce is only a concept for her, something that might happen in some foggy future. She can play and live in her fantasy world while keeping you around and feeling safe. If suddenly things go south she can run back to you while she gets on her feet and she is still free to run off again and play. The fact that she said "already?!" when you asked about the divorce attorney shows this. Get the attorney. Do it. Then she will know you are serious. Right now its just words and she's having too much fun to deal with it. Get the attorney and make her face the reality of the situation SHE has created. You'll both be better for it. Either you will sit down and start working on the marriage in a serious, positive manner or it will be over. Either way you will have moved forward and healing can begin. Take charge of your destiny, take charge of your life. I wish you the very best of luck.