Taxation (and other governances of a citizen) without representation (& the EC)
Poor District of Columbia. Separate from both Maryland and Virginia. Home of the nation but not allowed to help steer the nation outside fo 3 electoral votes for President. I think DC encapsulates two wrongs with this nation that need righted. Their lack of representation in government and the worthlessness of our electoral college system.
DC has 80k more people than tiny in population but high in land area Wyoming (493K), DC has a nonvoting delegate in the House and no senators. They are really left out of the processes of our governance.
Wyoming gets 3 Electoral votes. Rhode Island has more than twice the population of Wyoming and only has 4 electoral votes. That makes the RI residents LESS VALUABLE than Wyomings.
New Mexico has more than 3 TIMES the pop of Wyo and only has 5 votes. That ain't right.
Popular vote is the only fair way. It isn't right that I can move to a state like Wyo or ND/SD and my vote effectively doubles.
Why does DC continue to be Americas red headed stepchild? Well, it's because of the fact that the Republicans will NEVER allow DC to have senators. Why? They went 90% of the vote to Kerry. That guarantees that their representative and both senators would be sure thing Democrats. Hell, if DC can't have a rep, Wyoming shouldn't be allowed to either. The Districts vote, which goes in higher numbers to the Democrats, is absolutely nullified by the even smaller Wyoming. And Wyo still gets to send senators and a congressman to DC.
Now, the democrats lost the popular vote by 3.5 million, I still want to see the EC removed, and I would do almost anything to see Bush NOT be president. There once was a day where we needed it because the smaller states would get lost in the shuffle, that day is gone. We can, and do run elections through media markets now. That is how it should be.