Originally Posted by FngKestrel
I think my other question is that, if it's common, why haven't I met anyone with the same problem? raeanna74, I'm glad that you related your experiences. Thanks. If anything, it'll give me some peace of mind.
Hubby's "freckle" was discovered when he had a head injury that temporarily damaged a nerve that controled an eye muscle on one eye. The nerve eventually healed and he's not cross eyed anymore. During that time though he had an opthomologist take pictures of the inside of his eye and examine every last inch carefully. He mentioned the freckle to hubby and explained that he didn't need to worry but should check at times with his optomotrist that the freckle has not changed in size or shape. I then mentioned it to my optomotrist when I visited. It was mentioned just in conversation and that I was surprised you could get them in your eyes even. That was when he told me I had a freckle in one of my eyes. He explained that usually they don't even mentioned them in the same way that Dr's don't mention every freckle they see on your face or back unless they've noticed a change or that the mole/freckle is quite large. He said they're so common that they're pretty much unremarkable to optomatrists. Personally this goes against how I feel about my body. I personally want to know every detail. Though that's partly because I have had some melanomas removed already and have been cautioned by my Dr to watch for more.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.