Originally Posted by redlemon
I think it is pretty clear that Sawyer clubbed Sayid. He knew exactly where Sayid would be at 5:00, and it would have been simple enough for him to connect the fuse to the end of a cigarette. Light the cigarette, and X minutes later (I have no idea how long a cigarette burns), the fuse is lit and the firework goes off. This would explain (a) why they showed Sayid and Shannon lighting their fuses but didn't show Sawyer, and (b) why Sawyer's firework didn't go off right away (the fuse estimate was a little off).
The only question is, what the fuck is wrong with Sawyer?
Sorry bout the spoiler showing up on the quotes! Interesting ideas there though, hadn't though of that....
Clearly Sawyer's parents never hugged him as a child
And that DriveShaft page? Brilliant!