Originally Posted by raeanna74
I am NOT a Dr, or medically trained. But here's my instincts on this.
Hubby and I have both been diagnosed with "Moles"/Nevus inside our eyes. We've both gotten explanations for this from separate optomotrists. They have told us both that it's very common to have moles inside the eyes. They have told us that sometimes we can develop new moles as a result of age, too much sun exposure or a minor injury that we might not even be aware of. The optomotrists see these and mark these on their charts on our yearly visits but as long as the number does not increase rapidly or the moles don't increase in size then there isn't much to worry about. It does happen but apparently is somewhat uncommon for these moles to grow into a cancer. In that case there isn't much that the optomotrist can do. Depending on where the mole is they can OCCAISIONALLY have an operation performed and the melanoma removed. Both of our optomotrists said that usually though the eye has to be removed AFTER tests have been performed to confirm the presence of cancer that would spread.
Here is my theory. You may have slightly injured your eye by wearing the contacts too long. A "mole" - collection of melanin was formed. As long as this doesn't spread, get larger, or cause you pain it's likely there is nothing to be concerned about.
My question is this. Why haven't your optomotrists explained to you what they believe this is? If they're not sure then in my opinion they shouldn't ignore it until they DO know what it is. Next time you see your optomotrist you should ask them WHAT it is and insist that they explain it to you. If they won't take the time I would suggest finding a new optomotrist. The patient who is the best informed about all their medical conditions whether they be dangerous or not is the best equipped to care for himself. You will know if something changes that you need to contact someone for help instead of saying "Well they said not to worry about it."
This is just my theory/unmedical opinion. Hope it helps.
Thanks for your concern. Let me go into a little more detail. I've been without healthcare for many years and only recently got vision benefits from my current job. This was definitely something I brought up with my optometrist.
The old optometrist that I talked to was over 10 years ago and trust me, was quickly kicked to the wayside. At the time, I'll admit I wasn't as concerned and didn't give it much thought or follow-up.
Nowadays, I'm like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
The current optometrist did explain to me that it was like a freckle and what to watch out for (change in size and shape, which there hasn't been for years) and did examine my retina to check that there weren't any problems.
I think my other question is that, if it's common, why haven't I met anyone with the same problem? raeanna74, I'm glad that you related your experiences. Thanks. If anything, it'll give me some peace of mind.