Thread: Hunt the Boeing
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Old 11-07-2004, 07:39 PM   #167 (permalink)
Born-Again New Guy
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Some of these theories are well-founded, backed by evidence (whether you buy it or not), and stem from a healthy wish to question the government's motives in our everyday lives... some of them seem like nothing more than paranoid ravings. But through my own research and looking at the "evidence" posted here I am absolutely NOT convinced that a 757 hit the Pentagon. The main things that convince me are the issues of the nose-cone, lack of damage to lawn and rest of building, lack of wreckage, the circular punchout, and the fact that a 757 cannot fly that fast, that low. As for the atomization believers here, that jet "atomized" against that wall at a higher speed, and with a considerably stronger and sharper nosecone, than a 757, without punching a hole in the wall. How then did the 757 punch through MULTIPLE walls?

I grew up with military on both sides of the family, and especially around planes since one side was air force and the other eventually moved into working at the Lockheed Martin Skunkworks and Boeing. There is absolutely no way a 757 can punch a hole like that, and if you believe it is than you've obviously not done research on the subject, not seen flight and demolition tests, or just blindly believe whatever it is that you're told to. There are, however, a few types of missiles that are made to puncture such walls, some of them partially or completely classified. As for the people that died in the Pentagon, I would not completely rule out that they could've been considered "acceptable losses." Military strategists, unfortunately, factor in such things.

While I can't even begin to concieve what the purpose of it might've been, who did it, or if it was even for a cause, I wouldn't just knock it because it doesn't make sense. Much of the time, people do things that seem to have no real basis in logic originally but turn out to make sense in the end, for good or otherwise.

And though this on a tangent, I saw somebody mentioning the idea that the WMD were made up in Iraq. While I don't agree with how we did it or how we're running the show now, it shows ignorance to believe that Iraq didn't have them. Given, I don't know that I buy into the idea of nuclear weapons ar all, but do you know how small a virus bioreactor can be? I've seen research on ones about the size of your standard guitar amp, and that's just public sector work. But even assuming they were the size of an oil drum, do you know how many of those you could fit in an 18-wheeler? Enough that it should make you uncomfortable to think of them as a mobile unit. Because, really, it makes me more than uncomfortable to know that most of the people around me are as blissfully ignorant as sheep.

Thanks for your time
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