Originally Posted by tecoyah
One possible scenario that comes to mind:
We attack Iran
Iran attacks Isreal
Isreal retaliates
If Isreal decides to attack ANY country in the middle east....it will escalate.
We do not have the needed forces to have a ground war in Iran.
Iraq would seem like childs play in comparison to an Iranian War.
We are far from "Winning" in Iraq at this time.(see tonights headlines)
If we cannot maintain control over Iraq, What makes one think we could attack, and control an area three times that size....with three times the population?
Seriously Ustwo....do you honestly think a War in Iran is a good Idea?
They said the same thing about Iraq, and Iraq would have a lot getter chance of attacking Israel than Iran.
We have already won Iraq, this is called clean up, and because we are a humane victor we are willing to risk our troops when no risk is really necessary. How would Iran do any better than Iraq, which was thought of as the strongest? Iran would be surrounded, but that is only a land battle.
A simple surgical strike is all that is required.
Would YOU rather wait and face the same people WITH nukes?