what a bunch of brat kids... i mean so verry typical. mmmm well if i can drink it might be ok... o the country were goging to dosnt support drinking well i guess its not so cool after all
oh wait i hat bush im not going..
sounds like a great big case of my parents have given me evreythign i want wip my as for me and why shoudl i start changing now.
otherwise known as pussitis thats puss- ite- is for those of you whos parents did your homework for you...
i hear the exact same thing form all the rich kids who got in the army for a free ride to school and then a war happens ( wether its rite or not ) and then all of a suden well i dont want to go fight.. i just want to goto school......
how about this scenerio clinton decides that we need to finish what bush sr started and creates the whole school deal and bouuses and all that shit that all the pretty people signed up for. and then leaves a not on the desk in the oval office for bush jr saying ok buddy i got the numbers for you now its your turn to use them.. go fucking invade someone yeah iraq is a great place...
that would fuck with some people....
edit #1
ok this was in response to #'s a long time ago.. but hey let er rip if yall want...
this post is a natural product made from recycled electrons.
the slight variations in spelling, grammar and punctuation
enhance its individual character and individuality and are
in no way to be considered flaws or defects.
if you cant read my post i dont want to hear about it move on. thanks
Last edited by rfra3645; 11-07-2004 at 04:16 PM..