I've determined a lot of guys number of too many is if the girl has had as many or more partners than they have. One of my friends...not a bad guy at all. Very respectful and all...but when he found out his current girl had sex with roughly the same number he had bedded...dropped her like a hot potato.
But hey there's somebody for everybody. If a guy drops you because you have had too many partners...well wasn't ever meant to be. I know a couple of guys that won't even bother to date a girl they know that are virgins because in their eyes she's not worth the effort or would be closed minded. I know others that won't mess with a girl that has had sexual relations with more than just a couple of folks.
My own personal rule...3 per year of sexual maturity starting at 14. For example if a potential mate was 24 30 different partners would be reasonable. Reason being I personally do not believe in one night stands. Never had one never will have one because I think sex should be part of a package and not just a cheap act. In my own mind if a woman had significantly more than that it would make me wonder about her stability relationship wise. I really don't want to be treated as a piece of meat as I wouldn't ever treat her like that. My number at least would give a reasonable expectation that a woman was at least TRYING to have a relationship with the people she was sleeping with and not just out on the prowl constantly. I mean even the most flighty people would only average maybe 3-4 decent length relationships a year.