Damn Manx, great job breaking down that piece. I read that a couple days ago and felt its logic was dubious, but wasn't going to spend the time to break it down. Nice job.
Obviously, Bush supporters weren't 100% people who just cared about gay marriage. The point is, Rove's strategy revolved around finding enough new voters from the conservative base to offset any increase in voters from the Democratic base. He did this through a variety of means, like semi-illegal push polling, strategically placed terror alerts, etc. One of those things was getting this dormant conservative base to come out and vote on an issue like gay marriage (or, in other states, push messages of abortion, or more general "morals" bullshit). So morals did play a signficant role, AMONGST NEW BUSH VOTERS, but no, it wasn't the only thing responsible for Bush's win.
The biggest thing is September 11th - if that hadn't happened, Bush would be waiting out his last couple of months after a boring and unsuccessful presidency. Honestly - and I'm speaking to everyone here - could you imagine people reelecting him with this terrible economy, underfunded education act, awful job loss, etc., without having had Sept. 11, Afghanistan, and Iraq to boost up his popularity? No way in hell.
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