Originally Posted by maypo
posted by UsTwo
Perhaps, the solution, is to deny them the nukes in the first place.
Hope you aren't suggesting more events like the misplaced attack on Iraq. We have failed to deny Nuclear bombs to many of the least stable countries in the world (Pakistan, N. Korea, Soviet Union, China) even when that was our position. What can you possibly suggest that will allow us to accomplish this?
"Failed to deny" is inaccurate. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton GAVE nuclear material to North Korea, because they believed their promise to "use it only for generating power." How idiotic was that?
Don't forget that if it's ever winging its way toward us in a missile, that missile will be guided by our own technology, which Loral sold to the Chinese.
Documents verify that ".. the president [Clinton] was informed that Loral may have contributed technology to China's ballistic missile program before he decided to grant Loral a waiver on February 18th of this year [1998] to permit them to export yet another satellite to China."
Can you say, "big fat campaign contribution from Loral?"