well being bi myself and being a girl that speaks her mind i usually come right out and ask...i usually will try and get on the subject and just ask her if she has ever done anything or if she would... if she says no..... no harm... most ppl know that i am bi so she probably wont look at me any differently... and if she does.. it probably wasnt meant to be anyway... if she says yes.. then u can go from there... now with all that said i dont go up to a strange girl in a bar and ask her right off the bat... i might start dancing with her... if she digs the dancing maybe dance a lil more racy... if she digs that then i usually have a good idea.. i usually make a lil small talk then work it in the conversation... if yes wooo hooo...if no just say something like awww thats too bad.. or sorry i guess i was just wishing u were.. sorry.. if u ever want to try dont be shy... uknow stupid lines like those.... usually ur best bet is go to a gay bar/club