Originally Posted by Jeff
I dunno about that posting - it's out of date, and the guy comes off as a little bit of a prick.
The most important features to me, in no particular order:
Support for better audio codecs, including free ones like Ogg and FLAC.
Support of gapless playback, including removing the gap in mp3 files.
Superior audio playback quality.
Bundled with a docking station with RCA out, for high-quality playack over home audio setup.
Up to 50 dollars cheaper, even without a rebate.
Smallest HDD-based mp3 player on the market.
Storage by ID3-based database, allowing you to access your music in many different ways
Longer battery life.
The dock supports transfer over USB2.0 and Ethernet, in case you want to access the player remotely.
Really the only thing it doesn't do is integrate with iTunes... (or play WAV files, but why would you want to play WAVs when you can play FLAC?))