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Old 11-07-2004, 05:53 AM   #42 (permalink)
Who You Crappin?
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Location: Everywhere and Nowhere
This whole "gay people can't reproduce so they should not have equal rights" argument is making my head hurt.

1. Gay people CAN reproduce. Being gay doesn't mean you were born without testicles or a uterus. My boss is a lesbian and she and her partner have a 2 year old daughter (and another on the way) via artificial insemination.

2. Regardless, opening up legal gay marriage would (should) bring with it a more open minded policy regarding gay couples adopting children. The Heterosexuals are reproducing at an alarming rate, and frankly, they aren't keeping all the children they are making (but they are ever so much more responsible than those pesky gays).

3. Everyone pins the argument about "being" gay to either genetics or choice. The third choice would be what some of my gay friends consider to be early conditioning, meaning that everyone's sexuality (gay, straight or otherwise) is a product of environment and events in one's early childhood. And please, don't take this to mean that gay people were all raped or molested or likewise. It's not as unseemly as that. It's more of what people relate to their earliest feelings of love and pleasure.

4. It's been stated before, but if the right (or privelage) to marry is going to be based on one's ability to reproduce, than the natural end point of that argument is that everyone who applies for a marriage license should have to sign legal documents stating that they will have children in X amount of time or the marriage will be terminated. And absolutely no licenses for anyone who is sterile. No more married couples gaining spousal benefits and mooching off the government without bringing some more rug rats into the world!

5. Many people's arguments about any gay rights center on some sort of perceived immorality. This perception can only be based in Christianity, where there is a vague passage in the book of Leviticus about men laying with men. This is the epitome of picking and choosing what one wants to believe out of the bible, as most of the other laws in Leviticus have been deemed dated and unnecessary (it's a sin to touch raw meat, women must be shunned for 30 days after having a baby, not to mention the entire chapter on the proper ways to sacrifice animals to God).

6. Ultimately, if gays are allowed to marry, what does it REALLY do to you on an individual basis. Anything? Will your life suffer?

7. The argument for why this is a civil rights issue is simple. A portion of the law-abiding society is not given the same rights as others. Stating that marriage is a privelage and not a right doesn't hold much water, as there isn't exactly a strict screening process to get a marriage license these days. Add to that the fact that people are going out of their way to deny these rights to this sect of society, and there is your argument. Plus, look at history. We've been through this before with women and african americans. History is repeating itself, and hopefully for the homosexual populace we'll be moving out of the "back of the bus" mentality and into an actual democratic society with equal rights for all.
"You can't shoot a country until it becomes a democracy." - Willravel

Last edited by Derwood; 11-07-2004 at 06:03 AM..
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