I'd have to say I only thought Halo was alright. I agree - the PC version was horrendous. A complete let-down. I wanted it to play like the console version, only more precise. I was incredibly disappointed.
Even so, the console version of Halo was, at best, a mediocre game. The multiplayer is fun, but you can only play with 4 people. That kinda went out with, like, Super Nintendo. And it gets a little old. And the single player/coop? The most incredibly unimaginitive levels I've EVER seen in an FPS. Like, worse than Wolf3D or fucking DOOM. The story was great. I'll give it that. But the levels blew big fat chunks. They were repetitive and boring. Playing the levels felt like the worst case of treadmill RPGing times about 800 million bajillion.
I can play Halo on X-Box for about 30 minutes, then I feel like I never want to play again (or at least for a week or so).
So my vote was for Half-Life 2. Of course, I still want Halo 2 to be good. We'll see.