Well since this thread has seriously sidetracked i will keep it going on the gay marriage deal... with this simple question. Why change.... someone above me said... simple it benefits many and hurts none. Well some would argue "kazaa" does the same thing yet 1000's try to make it illegal. Some would say auto insurance is the same hurts none benefits many. Tell that to the people who eat rather than pay for it and then get sued for more than they will ever make. I say why legalize something that hasn’t been needed or even really talked about for 200 years but in the last 20 OmG it’s really an important issue. I understand gay people say we need it we are being treated unfairly. But i say to them you brought the unfairness on yourself.. Yes look back in history before you brought it out into the media and made homosexual a diner table word. You were not persecuted maybe not accepted but are you really now? No you are trying to force "mainstream society" to accept you. You cannot force a whole society to condone your personal opinion or choice or hell even your defect. ( For those who say i was born like that) Webster’s Specialty Definition: Birth defect
(From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia)
A birth defect is a physical or mental abnormality present at the time a child is born.
Abnormality Webster’s definition 4. Behavior that breaches the rule or etiquette or custom or morality
My definition born diffrennt than others.....
Just the same as republicans or w bush cant force the whole of America to accept that it was right to invade Iraq most people decided it was the right thing to do so everyone must accept it.. Most people don’t want to see a 2 husband or 2 wife marriages. So my guess is they won’t. Plain and simple as i borrow this from a previous poster
Damn.....that pretty much sums it up....don't it.....excellent
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if you cant read my post i dont want to hear about it move on. thanks