Originally Posted by Manx
A seperate, and valid, question is the one posed by smooth - is the "back door draft" essentially equivalent to a draft that causes concern.
While I have not researched when it came into being, the regulation that an active duty member could be retained in the service during wartime has been around for a very long time.
I can't believe that any service member has ever been unaware of it.
Furthermore, I declined to join the reserves upon the end of my active duty time, because (a) there was no pay billet for me, and I certainly wasn't going to drill for free, and (b) I was not willing to risk the financial losses I would sustain if I were activated.
While I have sympathy for the hardships suffered by those who were activated, I don't have sympathy for the whiners who tried to duck out of their sworn obligation. I haven't heard any of them offering to give their pay back.
As a footnote, I can tell you that when I'm considering candidates for a job, I will bend over backwards to hire someone who's been in the military. They've always been the best employees.