Originally Posted by Ustwo
Its the same country on Nov 2 as it is today.
You get your shot again in 2 years to turn the tables.
Until then the people have spoken. The same people that voted for Carter and Clinton.
Now don't take this the wrong way, big guy, But Gary Bauer and Ralph Reed were not turning out their legions of deluded Jesus Freaks (TM) for Clinton or Carter.
<i>A digression</I>
A note to the Christians on the board: by Jesus Freak, I mean a person who 1) calls himself Christian, and 2) finds Leviticus more relevant than the gospels, preventing one's neighbor from sinning more important than loving him, and/or actively works to bring about Revelations. These people are dangerous madmen. (And their women are equally dangerous.)
I do not believe there are any here who answer that description.
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