Originally Posted by ARTelevision
Manx, you are correct but I do not follow any particular implication that may lead from there.
The way I see it, "all things" - including how "all things" are defined - are matters of power relations and the various ways in which power is distributed, mediated, negotiated, and exercised.
The way I see it, if the tree falls on you in the forest you die, belief and power relations be what they may.
Which is to say, some things are real and have direct, testable implications. I privilege such "beliefs" over metaphysical and untestable ones. This is not to say that the spiritual is unimportant, or that untestable ideas do not have significance. But I believe ideas that can be tested and which survive said tests are more important.
Of course, that postulate is
not a testable idea.
But it's useful, because it's a drag when trees fall on you.