Art, I am not clear how it can be determined that secularists (liberals, humanists) are forcing anything on Fundamentalist Christians. This strikes me as the same argument that allowing gay marriage is discrimintation against people who oppose gay marriage.
Secularists are not attempting to forbid Fundamentalists from living their life as they choose. For instance, if a Fundamentalist wishes to teach their children creationism instead of evolution, they are more than welcome to do so. If they do not wish to have abortions, they are more than welcome to not have abortions. The will of the Fundamentalist Christian is not being legislated by allowing others who do not share their beliefs to live according to their own will. Except in so far as an aspect of the will of the Fundamentalist Christian is to limit the will of everyone. That is their act of discrimination. I fully support the discrimination against discrimination - it is a very different course than one of pure discrimination. It is, in fact, the struggle for freedom.
Also - Is there something we can do about the large map image above? The size of it makes this thread hard to read. Maybe shrink it down or link to it?