Thread: vapor barrier
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Old 11-06-2004, 11:02 AM   #7 (permalink)
Location: geff il
vapor barier.. the paper on the insulation is a vapro barrier.

the basement it self is also a vapor barrier. so you alreayd have 2. i would not think you would need another. in regards to normal insualtion deepending on what kind of framing you have is it a normal 2x4 wall is there a space between the framming and the concrete or block wall? you may wish to use styrofoam. its what use in comercial applications. its not very warm but its hard to warm a basment thats in the ground and always 56 degrees. the outside wall itself protects you from elements and locks in all things that should be and locks out all that ought not be there. most people dont insulate there basements outside of the basement walls themselves because being in the ground is already insualtion will be a constant 56 degrees. even if you added inusaltion it still be 56 degrees unless you added in your own heating and cooling. after you sheetrock your walls its the same deal. the acutal basment walls will be the barrier its hard to loose or gain anything thru 8- 12 inches oc conreete or block. the place that needs insulated is the "band" the strip between flloors that is really the only place you loose or gian because it is above ground and its only wood. i usually use r 19 insulation cut to fit. obviously the better job you installing it the better it will work. you said that the framing was glued and screwed to the top and bottom does that mean there is a real wall built or are the studs glued to the wall. either way is aceptable. but i would rather a real wall. reasons you should hold it away from the oustside wall at least a 1/2 inch so your not absorbing natural condensation from the wall. ( like a toitlet tank) plus you can keep it nice and striaght as its almost impossible to get a truley straight wall the concreete usaually dips inand out at the seems. the best way to do this is hold a string at both corners the same distance from each other and move till not touching anywhere. then add your 1/2 and snap a line. plumb straight off that and if the outside wall is plumb you will have the same reveal at the top. it could touch at the top forcing you to move your bottom line acordingly. ( allot of basements are this way) anyway then you build your wall and repeat at each corner. i also prefer the real wall so you can get your "subs" stuff ie/ electric water maybe you would like to have vents closer to the floor rather than out of the ceiling. behind or in the framing.

ok i guess i wrote a book here.. hope it helps if you need or want more opinoated advice just ask.
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if you cant read my post i dont want to hear about it move on. thanks
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