well here i am again in a this thread that basicilly comes down to 2 kinds of people.
1. the kind that need and want to be told and directed evrey single move to make. do your job only do your job. never do a job that is someone elses job espcially if it will make the whole job go better faster and easier for whoever happens to be in charge of it even if that someone is you.. ie. union motivational speech.
2. the kind of people that need to get the job done the MOST EFICIANT best way it can be done. even if that means ( oh my god ) working a little bit more than is expected of you. i mean really if your willing to take the extra step and make your decision about what needs to be done and you are capaable of doing it and doing it means that you will be doing something other than looking at something that needs to be done thinking i wish someone else was here to take care of me. you must not be a union guy i suppose that would make you a company man or woman.
i cant count the number of times union guys would stand and look at something that obvioulsy needs done and say i cant do that its not in my scope of work. or thats not my job, or thats beneath me. even the most menial tasks are out of reach for the union guy to do..
this workers opinon is most card holding people just want to draw a check. not go out of there way period.
sounds an awfull lot like lazy.
websters deffiniton lazy Resistant to work or exertion; disposed to idleness.
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if you cant read my post i dont want to hear about it move on. thanks