Originally Posted by mrbuck12000
ON the moral issues...why is it that these christians are against abortion but the death penalty is OK? Thats where i get confused??
Well, I cannot think of many conservatives or liberals whom I know that do not support the death penalty. I think most people I know would agree that the whole purpose of jail is to eliminate the problem from society. The death penalty does this easily.
That said, I believe your stereotypes are wrong. I'm sure some Christians believe abortion is wrong. However, I'm a Christian and I know others that support abortion if used appropriately(moderation for emegencies rather than for birth control). My only problem with it, for example, is when a girl has 5 abortions because she's too lazy to pick up the pill or use other protection.
On the Christians you refer to, I believe many Christians feel that abortion is the
killing of something innocent. However, these criminals going through the death penalty are not innocent. I would think that belief is the reason some christians do not support abortion. They feel it is not only a violation of their beliefs but also the laws set forth by the government.