This is a drastic change, and I don't think it's a good idea at all.
It would change the game so much, and would also limit the value of pure shooters, and late game comebacks that start before 5 minutes left. I think it would also affect the mentality of players late in the game.. If they know all shots are only worth 2, they are more likely to figure that the game is out of reach, and thus won't try to win, figuring it's numerically impossible.
I'm surprised this even made it past the drawing board, and was implemented for testing in the NBDL. I guess the league is trying to bring back some "old school" aspects, but this is a very bad idea IMO.
It would also greatly change the roster and players on the roster drastically.
I doubt this will get implemented, however the CBA is coming up, and changes are often implemented then, so I guess there is a possibility this change is made.. However, I think it's a very bad idea initially.