I think it's important to make a point that seems to me to be overlooked by opponents of those who hold core beliefs counter to theirs and who declare that the opposition is all about forcing their beliefs on the rest of us, etc.
It does appear to me that, for example, secularists, secular humanists, and others do not comprehend that they themselves are part of a faction of true believers who attempt to legislate, and adjudicate their agendas on everyone else in the same fashion they accuse Christan fundamentalists and neo-conservatives of doing.
Textbooks are everywhere rewritten to include concepts that are anathema to their opponents, court decisions that reflect secular humanist and liberal agendas are and have been the trend for decades.
When I hear those who decry the tendency of their opponents to force, foist, legislate, and adjudicate their will, their beliefs on the rest of us, I wonder why it is not self-evident that both sides are equally adamant and activist and guilty of this absolutist behavior.
Claims that the liberal, secular agenda is not about forcing core beliefs on others - or that it is about protecting freedom - do not evidence an awareness that it is indeed no different in action than those they oppose.
What we have is a battle of core beliefs, nothing more and nothing less.
You should know I have no use whatsoever for fundamentalist or any other sort of religion. And I am in favor of homosexual rights and abortion rights. This post is about the fact that I do not see those who have a record of legislating, adjudicating, and being politically activist for secular and liberal causes as being any different from fundamentalists or conservatives who want to do the same things from their side.
Call it what it is - a battle of core beliefs - not a movement for freedom, rights, or justice. Those terms and others like them are conditioned by one's core beliefs. And secularists, humanists, and liberals are no less activist and absolutist about theirs than are conservatives and fundamentalists.
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