Here's mine. How many should we submit? I think we should only submit our own, ti save any trouble...
Perception of loss calls out to me,
By seeking I know I will find.
Distress is the comfort I've come to know,
Leaving kind thoughts far behind.
Unsuitable thorns twist till they bleed,
Atrocious reflections stirred round.
Infernal damnation is it what I've found,
Or fantasy's ugly kid brother?
Cause becomes clear closing my eyes,
Benevolence tries to break through.
Abhorrence runs trying to hide,
Seeking reprieve from the light.
Beatific jousts with the vile one,
Which will it be to advance?
Both will survive, the stronger of which,
Is nurtured and fed in our mind.
And as she plays,
her sweet song of laughter
floats through the air
and warms my heart