ugh. great show concept, great setting, scenery, etc. i really like it and its the first show since 24 that i bothered to follow for any length.
that being said, whoever writes for this and alias should be shot for trying to pander to bloody morons. every episode within the first five minutes we have someone saying something to the effect that "were marooned on an island! we might never survive!" or another saying "the rescue team will be here any day now". these two characters subsequently debate about those topics, and so it repeats. that was one of my biggest peeves with last season of alias, the constant and obvious reinforcement of the shows topic, as if the person who were following the show have an untreatable condition that leaves one with no short term memory.
aside from that, i still enjoy the show and all that bit, hope it does well (well enough to get a msg to execs that the fucking reality shows need to go). i just wish jj abrams didnt take the majority of the viewing audience for dolts.
some people dream of success, while other people live to crush those dreams