You post a very good pile of nonsense! You mean to tell me that a draft won't pass through a congress that is in total agreement with Bush and the position he has on the war and why he started it?
"the party that supports it will be out of the Presidential races for a decade."
Wow, it really is good that Kerry lost. Republicans out of presidental elections for a decade?? Oh, happy day!!
With troops dying, other countries leaving, no one back here willing to sign up for Bush's gurrela war, how do you think they will increase the troop levels? Espically if this new push in Falluja backfires and a lot of our guys get killed?
We'll see. Accoring to 51% of Americans, they approve of the war, they approve of the lie Bush told in order to go to war and they should be the first to send their kids. When this comes down, and this will be added to the list of Bush's lies, all of you will see the real "morailty" of the guy you voted for.
A proven liar with "morals" gets reelected on that very issue. I can't believe what this country has come to.
Fuck you Bush, I'm not going.